OKay…it has been awhile since our last chat about my fabulous Kitchen Re-Do…Well infact if you want to go back to Jan.28,2012’s post…you can check out before pics of the “RED-CABINETS & IVY WALLPAPER”…EEEKKSSS!!!!
My wonderful friends (and I do mean wonderful friends)…I don’t know how I’m going to repay them,(but I’m sure they will think of something)…HaHa!!! Anyway they have helped me finish or almost finish my Kitchen Make-over…
Now when we last talked…I called my friend Bev my”Stripper Queen “, receiving a lot of flak over that one I must add…purely complimentary!!! Wallpaper “stripper”,People…now come on people,really. LOL!!! And my friend Janie, the “Queen of Distress” which that one was okay,I think…
Anyway…I have pics of my French-Country Kitchen here in the middle of Illinois…HaHa! I will have more pictures as my detailing and decorating occurs…so no real pictures of the Pantry yet,but there will be…I got to tell you it is Fabulous… Enter HERE at the Kitchen door…

Bev painted the fruit picture a while back …for a birthday present… 
my granddaughter,Casey made me the paper wreath…and that is part of my collection of “crumb trays” 

hang your hat 

time for coffee…
cabinets look a little green here…but they are really a grey with a wax finish and the old red just peeking through…

I just love this gypsy tin plate
now see that’s the grey color the cabinets really are

time to go,until next time…