Sunday, July 24, 2011

Updates on a Number of Topics

A nice cooling rain actually kept me indoors instead of that awful heat wave we’ve been having…at any rate I wanted to catch everyone up on a few things…this will have no rhyme or reason for the order given…just fair warning,haha…

I think first up will be my Potager,and how nicely it did fill in…we have had letuces,onions,basil,rosemary,but no tomatoes to date…they are there just still green…

garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 004garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 006garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 005

Next would be my Hydrangea bush and it’s blooms…garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 001garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 002garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 003 

I think next my new Booth at Paddy Wagon in Tuscola,IL…I set up there the beginning of July…I’m waiting on my first check(I understand it is a pretty good one by my standards,anyway)…Like I said set-up was July,therefor,my red,white and blue theme…

garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 017garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 018garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 019garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 020garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 021garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 022garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 023garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 024garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 025garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 027garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 028garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 029garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 030garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 031garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 032garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 033

I maybe should mention, I’m not sure what has sold or not, but the glass top table and both chairs are gone…

Next maybe a couple of custom watch~bracelets I made for a very sweet girl,who had a couple of her mother’s and grandmother’s watches. She wanted included in her bracelets…garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 015

garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 016

And I sold a watch~bracelet out of my shop online(not shown)…

I think the last thing posted as an update for tonite would be new pics of Clara…she was feeling rather dated…Haha!

Clara...CarLe Etc 001Clara...CarLe Etc 002Clara...CarLe Etc 003Clara...CarLe Etc 004Clara...CarLe Etc 005Clara...CarLe Etc 006Clara...CarLe Etc 007Clara...CarLe Etc 008Clara...CarLe Etc 009

Clara is my lovely mascot,so to speak…we must keep her happy at all cost…haha~~~until next time…

Sunday, July 10, 2011

CarLe Etc. Jewelry Creations

by ME…

My Etsy ID and my Jewelry line is calledCarLe Etc.   and probably this Blog is more up to date than my store (haha) which is not saying a lot is it? Anyway I can’t seem to find time for everything…now can you either??? I mean ,there is just too much going on in this old world to get everything done perfect, isn’t there? I try! That’s why I’m taking time to show you some of the CarLe Etc. Jewelry I made and set up in an antique shop called Persimmon Lane in Charleston Il. If by chance you see something you can’t live without(please,please)email me at… I might not have the exact piece,because a lot of what I make is a one-of-a-kind…with found objects and all,but rest assured I could come up with something…thanks for looking~

garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 034garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 035garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 036garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 037garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 038garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 039garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 040garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 041garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 042garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 043

garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 044this little bracelet,I have not let go of her yet,but I fear she will be for sale…soon!garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 045garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 047garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 049I know she’s on the flip side ,pretty cool huh?garden,Tuscola booth,jewelry Charleston 048well that’s all for now…until next time…thxs