Monday, June 22, 2009

Estate Tag Sale

It has been so long since my last post...I'm not sure I remember how to do this?????
We (meaning my sister and I) have finished our folks' 1st Estate Tag Sale ... just a little reminder...we lost both our parents this last winter, within 7 weeks of each other... so we opted for an Estate Tag Sale instead of usual auction... It is alot ,I mean alot of work...but all in all it is I believe, the way to go...if put in our situation, and I pray you never are...
Now we plan the 2nd Estate Tag Sale for the 4th of July week' see our folks had lots of collections! There is my sisters things too...she and her family are moving into the folks' house...lots and lots of you can see why I have been busy...
Now if you happen to be in my area(Shelbyville,IL) that week'nd...feel free to stop by and take a look...we have lots to look at...ok then...I've got to go for now,but I'll be talking to you again soon...may God bless...

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