Sunday, May 15, 2011


Potager …my first by that name,only I have had in the past…many raised bed gardens…but full credit  goes to the famous Potager Queen…Angela of the “Parisienne Farmhouse”. Wonderful gardens…Potagers,by any other name. Be sure to check her blog out,you won’t be disappointed…

Now on with a few pictures of my Potagerportager 001portager 002portager 003

Oh and HaHa! I had a couple of volunteers of lettuce come up so they got planted,too.portager 004portager 005

My watcher,coach,one of the outside cats…PooPooFace…much more to come…until next time…

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our Royal Wedding

Our Royal Wedding 2 weeks before the Royal Wedding of England…And the very professional photos by Deidre Lynn, Wedding Photography…total and full credit to Deidre Lynn of these beautiful photos of Casey and Brett’s Wedding…their Wedding and Reception took place in the historic Chautauqua Building in the city Park of Shelbyville,IL….now on with the wedding…