This is the beginnings of The Laundry Porch…for lack of something else to call it…and because that’s what it will be when finished…I guess I can call it …The Laundry Porch…
I hope you can tell what's what from my pictures…you see we are converting the plan ole back porch into …dunt~ta~duh~daa…The Laundry Porch. I’m sure you would all be in favor of this move(no small feet)…if you could see the basement dungeon(no I’m not showing that to you)…where the laundry goes on now. Anyway, I will show and tell what has gone on the last couple of days!
I have great hope it will be completed in the next couple at least, in a few days.
all gone…door and windows…such a pretty day…
men are working hard…just a little camera shy…
platform built and in place…check
wall going up…Oh Boy!
good days work…guys!
ok…this is it for 2nd day…everything framed in and ready for windows and a door…are you ready? And then…dunt~ta~duh~daa…
Rain….and not just Rain! But severe T-Storms…poor guys rushing around to get black paper slapped up on outside wall and tools picked up….
and rain chain
Waiting…until next time ….to be continued…Laundry porch